LESSON 46 議論 -観点-
A: Our competitor has just launched a similar product at a lower price point. This is certainly an unwelcome development from our revenue standpoint.
B: We need to look at this from our customers' standpoint. They may see the lower price as a better deal, so we need to emphasize our product's value-added features.
C: From a strategic perspective, maintaining market share is critical.
B: Absolutely. Are there any other perspectives we should take into account?
A: 競合他社が同様の製品を低価格で発売しました。これは私たちの収益の観点からは確かに歓迎できない展開です。
B: 顧客の視点に立つ必要があります。顧客は価格が安い方がお得だと考えるかもしれないので、我が社の製品の付加価値を強調する必要があります。
C: 戦略的観点からは、市場シェアの維持は非常に重要です。
B: まったくそのとおりです。他に考慮すべき観点はありますか?
【a cost cutting perspective コスト削減の観点】
【a productivity perspective 生産性の観点】
【our investors' standpoint 投資家の視点】
We need to look at this from our customers' standpoint.
We need to look at this from a cost cutting perspective.
We need to look at this from a productivity perspective.
We need to look at this from our investors' standpoint.
【we should stop offering round-clock customer support 24時間体制のカスタマーサポートをやめるべきだ】
【we should cut down on product packaging 製品パッケージを削減するべきだ】
■ cut down (on something) 削減する
【maximizing return on investment is the top priority 投資収益率を最大化することが最優先だ】
From a strategic perspective, maintaining market share is critical.
From a cost cutting perspective, we should stop offering round-clock customer support.
From a productivity perspective, we should cut down on product packaging.
From our investors' standpoint, maximizing return on investment is the top priority.