LESSON 16 選択肢を評価する
F: Let’s identify the criteria we'll use to evaluate our options. Besides urgency and importance, are there any other criteria that should be considered?
A: I’d say cost-effectiveness, the level of impact, and customer satisfaction.
B: Innovation potential, strategic alignment.
C: How about the time required to execute?
F: 選択肢を評価するために使う基準を明らかにしましょう。緊急性と重要性のほかに、考慮すべき基準はありますか?
A: 費用対効果、影響度、顧客満足度ですかね。
B: イノベーションの可能性、戦略的整合性。
C: 実行に要する時間、はどうですか?
OK, we have established four essential criteria. Now let's assign each criterion a relative weight based on its importance. Let's assume the overall score is 10 points. We'll discuss and determine the distribution of these 10 points among the criteria.
F: We now have three options: A, B, and C. Let's evaluate each against the criteria. How would you rate Option A in terms of cost effectiveness? One for low, 2 for medium, and 3 for high.
A: 3!
B: 2.
C: 2.
F: Option A’s customer satisfaction?
B: 2.
A: 2!
C: 3..
F: 現在、ABCの3つの選択肢があります: それぞれを基準に照らして評価してみましょう。費用対効果の観点から、選択肢Aをどう評価しますか?1が低い、2が中くらい、3が高いです。
A: 3!
B: 2.
C: 2.
F: オプションAの顧客満足度は?
B: 2.
A: 2!
C: 3...