A: From this supplier, we were given a Net 60…
B: Sorry to interrupt, but you said that we were given a Net 60. That means we'll have 60 days to make the payment from the invoice date, correct?
A: Precisely.
A: このサプライヤーからはネット60日を提示されました。
B: さえぎって申し訳ありませんが、ネット60日とおっしゃいましたね。つまり、請求書発行日から60日以内に支払うということですよね?
A: その通りです。
【our strategy involves leveraging economies of scale 私たちの戦略はスケールメリットを活用することが含まれる】
【we must comply with SOX requirements SOX法を遵守しなければならない】
You said that we were given a Net 60.
You said that our strategy involves leveraging economies of scale.
You said that we must comply with SOX requirements.
【we'll reduce costs by increasing production 生産量を増やすことでコストを削減する】
【we'll have to ensure transparency 透明性を確保しなければならない】
That means we'll have 60 days to make the payment from the invoice date, correct?
That means we'll reduce costs by increasing production, correct?
That means we'll have to ensure transparency, correct?
You said that our strategy involves leveraging economies of scale. That means we'll reduce costs by increasing production, correct?
You said that we must comply with SOX requirements. That means we'll have to ensure transparency, correct?
Let me see if I understand you correctly. [相手の発言内容を自分の言葉で言い換える] Is that what you meant?
私が正しく理解しているかどうか確認させてください。 そういうことですか?
This is what I'm hearing you say. [相手の発言内容を自分の言葉で言い換える] Am I getting that right?