F: We have some aged outstanding balances in our accounts receivable. What are our alternatives?
A: One option is to negotiate payment plans with clients.
B: That's one way of doing it. Here's another way - offer discounts for prompt payment.
C: It wouldn't be my first choice, but it could be worth looking into.
D: Or… we could just use a collection agency.
E: I see no alternative but to take legal action if other attempts fail.
F: Are these alternatives mutually exclusive, or can they be combined?
F: 売掛金に古い残高が残っています。どんな選択肢がありますか?
A: 取引先と支払い計画を交渉するのも一つの手です。
B: それも一つのやり方ですね。別の方法として、迅速な支払いに対して割引を提供することもできます。
C: 私の第一選択ではありませんが、検討する価値はあるかもしれません。
B: もしくは、集金代行会社を使うという手もありますね。
D: もし他すべての方法がだめなら、法的手段をとるしかないと思う。
F: これらの選択肢は互いに相入れないものですか、それとも組み合わせることができますか?
【experiment with both approaches 両方のアプローチを試す】
【budget for influencer collaborations インフルエンサーとのコラボレーションに予算をつける】
【increase our online marketing budget オンラインマーケティング予算を増やす】
【renegotiate contracts with existing suppliers for better pricing よりよい価格設定のために既存のサプライヤーとの契約を再交渉する】
【reduce manufacturing costs by sourcing cheaper raw materials より安価な原材料の調達で製造コストを削減する】
One option is to negotiate payment plans with clients.
One option is to experiment with both approaches.
One option is to budget for influencer collaborations.
A slightly different alternative would be to budget for influencer collaborations.
A slightly different alternative would be to increase our online marketing budget.
Here's another way -increase our online marketing budget.
Here's another way -renegotiate contracts with existing suppliers for better pricing.
I see no other alternative but to renegotiate contracts with existing suppliers for better pricing.
I see no other alternative but to reduce manufacturing costs by sourcing cheaper raw materials.