A: In deciding whether or not to do this project, there are two main aspects to consider. One, cost management, two timeline adjustments.
B: Sorry to interrupt, but I think we also need to take into account the resource availability.
C: I think there's another aspect we need to consider as well. What if there is a change in regulations?
A: このプロジェクトをやるかやらないかを決めるにあたっては、主に2つの点を考慮する必要がある。ひとつはコスト管理、もうひとつはスケジュール調整だ。
B: 割り込んで申し訳ありませんが、リソースの確保も考慮に入れる必要があると思います。
C: 他にも考慮すべき点があると思います。もしも、規則に変更などがあったらどうでしょう?
【four key factors to this issue この問題の4つの重要な要因】
【several critical elements to this approach このアプローチにおけるいくつかの重要な要素】
【a few primary factors contributing to this situation この状況を招いているいくつかの主な要因】
There are two main aspects to consider.
There are four key factors to this issue.
There are several critical elements to this approach.
There are a few primary factors contributing to this situation.
【the technological feasibility 技術的な実現可能性】
【the impact on other ongoing initiatives 他の進行中の取り組みへの影響】
【any potential risks あらゆる潜在的リスク】
We also need to take into account the resource availability.
We also need to take into account the technological feasibility.
We also need to take into account the impact on other ongoing initiatives.
We also need to take into account any potential risks.
【the opposite was true その逆が正しかった】
【our assumptions are incorrect 私たちの前提が間違ってる】
【the market conditions worsen 市場環境が悪化する】
What if there is a change in regulations?
What if the opposite was true?
What if our assumptions are incorrect?
What if the market conditions worsen?