A: Our customer support team is available for urgent inquiries, outside of the standard office hours.
F: For the sake of argument, is it truly beneficial to offer 24/7 service paying extra for graveyard shifts? In case you are not aware of this, we're required to pay an extra 25% for night shift workers.
A: I see. In that case, we should conduct a more in-depth cost-benefit analysis.
■ in-depth 綿密な、掘り下げた、徹底的な
A: 我々のカスタマーサポートチームは、通常の営業時間外でも緊急の問い合わせに対応しています。
F: 議論上お尋ねしますが、24時間365日のサービスを提供することが本当に有益なのでしょうか?念のためお伝えしておきますが、夜勤者には25%の割増賃金を支払うことが義務付けられています。
A: なるほど。それなら、もっと綿密に費用対効果を分析すべきですね。
【For the sake of argument...】
【let's weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing アウトソーシングの是非を検討しよう】
【suppose our competitor introduces a similar product 競合他社が同じような製品を発売したとしよう】
【what if there's a sudden increase in customer complaints 顧客からのクレームが突然増えたとしたら】
For the sake of argument, is it truly beneficial to offer 24/7 service paying extra for graveyard shifts?
For the sake of argument, let's weigh the pros and cons of outsourcing.
For the sake of argument, suppose our competitor introduces a similar product.
For the sake of argument, what if there's a sudden increase in customer complaints?
【our marketing campaign went viral on social media 我が社のマーケティング・キャンペーンがソーシャルメディアでバズった】
■ go viral 急速に拡散する、バズる
【our competitor recently filed for bankruptcy 競合他社が最近破産を申請した】
【our sales team just closed a major deal 営業チームが大きな取引を成立させた】
In case you are not aware of this, we're required to pay an extra 25% for night shift workers.
In case you are not aware of this, our marketing campaign went viral on social media.
In case you are not aware of this, our competitor recently filed for bankruptcy.
In case you are not aware of this, our sales team just closed a major deal.