追加レッスン 1 意見 -柔らかく言う (1)-
A: Well, it seems to me that we should invest more in research and development.
B: I’m not so sure about that. If I’m not mistaken, we already have a high R&D budget compared to our competitors.
C: I may be wrong, but I think diversifying our R&D efforts could be a good strategic move.
A: まあ、研究開発にもっと投資すべきだと思います。
B: それはどうでしょうね。私の考え違いでなければ、競合他社に比べれば、すでに高い研究開発予算を持っていますよ。
C: 私が間違っているかもしれませんが、研究開発への取り組みを多様化することは、戦略的に良いことだと思います。
【we should focus on expanding our market reach 私たちは市場の拡大にフォーカスすべきだ】
【the delays were caused by too many last-minute changes 遅れは、土壇場での変更が多すぎたことに原因する】
【we can put this issue on the back burner for now この問題は今のところ後回しにしてもいいだろう】
【it's much easier to improve on somebody else's idea 他人のアイデアを改良する方がずっと簡単だ】
【pushing back the signing of this contract would be a good move 契約の締結を延期するのは良い動きだ】
【it's a good idea to back down from the deal at this point このタイミングで取引から手を引くのは良い考えだ】
【I'm not entirely certain, but I think . . . 完全に確信している訳ではありませんが、私は〜だと思います】
【It would appear to me that . . . 私には〜だと思えます】
【Correct me if I'm wrong, but . . . もし間違えていたら訂正して欲しいのですが~】
【Unless I'm mistaken . . . 私の思い違いでなければ~】
【I could be wrong here, but I don't think . . . 私が間違っているかもしれませんが、私は〜とは思いません】
【I'm not entirely certain, but I think . . .】
【It would appear to me that . . .】
【Correct me if I'm wrong, but . . .】
【Unless I'm mistaken . . .】
It seems to me that we should invest more in research and development.
It seems to me that we should focus on expanding our market reach.
I'm not entirely certain, but I think we should focus on expanding our market reach.
I'm not entirely certain, but I think the delays were caused by too many last-minute changes.
It would appear to me that the delays were caused by too many last-minute changes.
It would appear to me that we can put this issue on the back burner for now.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but we can put this issue on the back burner for now.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it's much easier to improve on somebody else's idea.
Unless I'm mistaken, it's much easier to improve on somebody else's idea.
Unless I'm mistaken, pushing back the signing of this contract would be a good move.
I could be wrong here, but I don't think pushing back the signing of this contract would be a good move.
I could be wrong here, but I don't think it's a good idea to back down from the deal at this point.