追加レッスン 11 意見 -反対する (3)-
A: Why don’t we create Youtube channels and promote our service there. It has been proven to be very cost-effective.
B: That's a fair point, but there are other factors we have to take into account.
C: Right. I don't think it's as simple as that.
A: That may be true, but isn't it worth trying since we can promote our products for free?
B: The fact is that we don't have the expertise, and it will be too time-consuming to learn from scratch.
■ It is worth ~ing ~する価値がある
A: Youtubeのチャンネルを作って、そこで私たちのサービスを宣伝してはどうでしょう。費用対効果が高いことが証明されていますが。
B: それは一理ありますが、他にも考慮しなければならない要素があります。
C: そうですね。私もそんな単純な話ではないと思います。
A: 確かにそうかもしれませんが、無料で宣伝できるのですから、やってみる価値はあるのではないですか?
B: 実際のところ、私たちには専門知識がないし、一から学ぶには時間がかかりすぎる気がします。
【have we thought about the possible drawbacks? 考えうる欠点については考慮しましたか?】
【that's only part of the picture それは全体の一部に過ぎない】
【it’s only a matter of time before similar products flood the market 同様の製品が市場に溢れるのは時間の問題だ】
【That's a reasonable argument, but . . .それはもっともな意見ですが】
【While that may be true, . . . それは本当かもしれませんが】
That's a fair point, but there are other factors we have to take into account.
That's a fair point, but have we thought about the possible drawbacks?
That's a reasonable argument, but have we thought about the possible drawbacks?
That's a reasonable argument, but that's only part of the picture.
While that may be true, that's only part of the picture.
While that may be true, it’s only a matter of time before similar products flood the market.
【our current resources are stretched too thin 現在のリソースには余力がない】
【we're facing a skills gap that could hinder progress 進捗を妨げる可能性のあるスキルのギャップに直面している】
【less is more when it comes to software features ソフトウェア機能に関しては、余計なものはないほうがいい】
【It is important to note that . . . 〜に注意を払うことが重要です】
【The bottom line is that . . . 結論としては〜です】
【bottom line】
The fact is that we don't have the expertise, and it will be too time-consuming to learn from scratch.
The fact is that our current resources are stretched too thin.
It is important to note that our current resources are stretched too thin.
It is important to note that we're facing a skills gap that could hinder progress.
The bottom line is that we're facing a skills gap that could hinder progress.
The bottom line is that less is more when it comes to software features.