追加レッスン 2 意見 -確信度が高い言い方 (1)-
F: What do you think of the proposal?
A: I have no doubt that we should go ahead with this proposal.
B: Same here. It's clear to me that diversifying our product line is a crucial step for our company's growth.
C: Yes, I believe that it will strengthen our competitive edge.
F: I value your opinions, thanks.
■competitive edge 競争上の強み、競争力
F: この提案をどう思いますか?
A: この提案で進めるべきなのは疑いの余地はありません。
B: 同感です。製品ラインを多様化することが、当社の成長にとって重要なステップであることは明らかです。
C: そうですね、競争力の強化につながると思います。
F: ご意見、ありがとうございます。
【if we submit the necessary items on time, we’ll meet the deadline 必要なものを期限内に提出すれば、期限を守ることができる】
【a balance between giving and taking is crucial for successful collaborations 成功するコラボレーションは、与えることと受け取ることのバランスが重要である】
【establishing strong networks is essential for our long-term success 強固なネットワークを築くことが、私たちの長期的な成功に不可欠だ】
【having that checklist for the client meeting was a life-saver クライアントとの打ち合わせのためのチェックリストがあって本当に助かった】
【the favor from the client was offered with no strings attached クライアントからの好意は無条件で提供された】
【the business in this industry is full of ups and downs この業界のビジネスは浮き沈みが激しい】
【I am confident that . . . 私は〜と確信しています】
【I am convinced that . . . 私は〜と確信しています】
【It's obvious that . . . ~なのは明らかです】
【Without doubt, . . . 間違いなく、】
【There is no question that . . . 〜なのは疑いの余地はありません】
【I am confident that . . .】
【I am convinced that . . .】
「証拠となるものを熟考したり説得された結果、自分個人としては確かにそうだと考える」と言う強い確信を示 す表現です。
【It's obvious that . . .】
【Without doubt . . .】
【There is no question that . . .】
I have no doubt that we should go ahead with this proposal.
I have no doubt that if we submit the necessary items on time, we’ll meet the deadline.
I am confident that if we submit the necessary items on time, we’ll meet the deadline.
I am confident that a balance between giving and taking is crucial for successful collaborations.
I am convinced that a balance between giving and taking is crucial for successful collaborations.
I am convinced that establishing strong networks is essential for our long-term success.
It's obvious that establishing strong networks is essential for our long-term success.
It's obvious that having that checklist for the client meeting was a life-saver.
Without doubt having that checklist for the client meeting was a life-saver.
Without doubt the favor from the client was offered with no strings attached.
There is no question that the favor from the client was offered with no strings attached.
There is no question that the business in this industry is full of ups and downs.