追加レッスン 21 質問 -詳細説明を求める-
A: I’m intrigued by what you said about a potential merger. Could you expand on that?
B: Of course. Are there any specific aspects you’d like to know about?
A: Would you elaborate on the point you made about the deal structure?
C: Could you be more specific about the financial implications of this merger?
B: Sure thing.
A: 合併の可能性についておっしゃったことに興味をそそられています。もう少し詳しく教えて頂けますか?
B: もちろんです。具体的に知りたいことはありますか?
A: ディールストラクチャーについて、もう少し詳しく説明していただけますか?
C: この合併の財務的な影響について、もう少し具体的に教えていただけますか?
B: もちろんです。
【your problem solving skills あなたの問題解決スキル】
【where you see yourself in 5 years 5年後のご自身のビジョン】
【your approach to handling unexpected challenges 想定外の課題に対処するアプローチ】
【I’m curious about what you mentioned regarding . . . ~についておっしゃっていたことに興味があります】
【I’m fascinated by the point you made on . . . ~に関しておっしゃった点がとても興味深いです】
I’m intrigued by what you said about a potential merger.
I’m intrigued by what you said about your problem solving skills.
I’m curious about what you mentioned regarding your problem solving skills.
I’m curious about what you mentioned regarding where you see yourself in 5 years.
I’m fascinated by the point you made on where you see yourself in 5 years.
I’m fascinated by the point you made on your approach to handling unexpected challenges.
【a situation where you had to think outside the box 既成概念にとらわれずに考えなければならない状況】
【your leadership aspirations リーダーシップに対するあなたの志】
【a specific instance where you had to adapt quickly to a sudden change 突然の変化に迅速に対応しなければならなかった具体例】
【I'd like to hear more specifics about . . . ~についてもっと具体的にお聞きしたいです。】
【Could you kindly elaborate on . . . ~について詳しく説明していただけますか?】
Would you elaborate on the point you made about the deal structure?
Would you elaborate on the point you made about a situation where you had to think outside the box?
I'd like to hear more specifics about a situation where you had to think outside the box.
I'd like to hear more specifics about your leadership aspirations.
Could you kindly elaborate on your leadership aspirations?
Could you kindly elaborate on a specific instance where you had to adapt quickly to a sudden change?