追加レッスン 28 質問 -関係や関連性を質問する-
F: Is there a link between work-life balance and employee retention?
A: Yes, definitely. Maintaining a healthy work-life balance has a positive impact on employee retention. It helps to reduce turnover rates.
F: That makes sense. How does leadership style relate to employee motivation?
F: ワーク・ライフ・バランスと従業員定着率には関連性があるのでしょうか?
A: はい、間違いありません。健全なワーク・ライフ・バランスを維持することは、従業員定着率に良い影響を与えます。離職率を下げるのに役立ちます。
F: なるほど。リーダーシップ・スタイルと従業員のモチベーションはどのように関係していますか?
【flat organizational structures and decision-making speed フラットな組織構造と意思決定のスピード】
【weather patterns and buying habits 天気のパターンと購買習慣】
【neglecting customer feedback and our brand reputation 顧客からのフィードバックの軽視とブランドの評判】
【Is there a connection between . . .? 〜の間に関連はありますか?】
【Is there any correlation between . . . ? 〜の間に相関関係はありますか?】
Is there a link between work-life balance and employee retention?
Is there a link between flat organizational structures and decision-making speed?
Is there a connection between flat organizational structures and decision-making speed?
Is there a connection between weather patterns and buying habits?
Is there any correlation between weather patterns and buying habits?
Is there a correlation between neglecting customer feedback and our brand reputation?
◇セクション 2
【To what extent, do . . . impact . . .? 〜はどの程度〜にインパクトを与えますか?】
【To what extent, will . . . affect . . .? 〜はどの程度〜に影響しますか?】
influence と同様に「影響する」と訳せますが、どちらかというと悪影響を指すことが多いです。
How does leadership style relate to employee motivation?
How does flat organizational structures relate to decision-making speed?
To what extent, do flat organizational structures impact decision-making speed?
To what extent, do weather patterns impact buying habits?
To what extent, will weather patterns affect buying habits?
To what extent, will neglecting customer feedback affect our brand reputation?