追加レッスン 42 議論 -プロコン-
F: We could speed up our product development by outsourcing certain components to third-party manufacturers. What are the pros and cons of this possibility?
A: One of the pros is the substantial capital expenditure savings it offers.
B: One disadvantage of that approach is that it may reduce our control over the production process and quality.
F: 一部の部品を外部のメーカーにアウトソーシングすることで、製品開発のスピードを上げることができます。この可能性について、長所と短所を教えてください。
A: 長所としては、設備投資を大幅に節約できることです。
B: その方法の欠点は、生産工程と品質に対する当社の管理能力が低下する可能性があることです。
【What are the strengths and weaknesses of . . . ? ~の強みと弱みは何ですか?】
【What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with . . . ? 〜に関連する強みと弱みは何ですか?】
What are the pros and cons of this possibility?
【our current product line 現在の製品ライン】
What are the pros and cons of our current product line?
【What are the strengths and weaknesses of . . . ? ~の強みと弱みは何ですか?】
What are the strengths and weaknesses of our current product line?
【our recruitment process 採用プロセス】
What are the strengths and weaknesses of our recruitment process?
【What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with . . . ? 〜に関連する強みと弱みは何ですか?】
What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with our recruitment process?
【our pricing strategy 価格戦略】
What are the strengths and weaknesses associated with our pricing strategy?
【Our major strength lies in . . . 私たちの主な強みは~にあります】
One of the pros is the substantial capital expenditure savings it offers.
【the diverse range of products 多様な製品ライン】
One of the pros is the diverse range of products.
【Our major strength lies in . . . 私たちの主な強みは~にあります】
Our major strength lies in the diverse range of products.
【our strong employer brand 強力な雇用主ブランド】
Our major strength lies in our strong employer brand.
【A significant weakness is . . . 重要な弱みは~です】
One disadvantage of that approach is that it may reduce our control over the production process and quality.
【the higher production costs 高い生産コスト】
One disadvantage of that approach is the higher production costs.
【A significant weakness is . . . 重要な弱みは~です】
A significant weakness is the higher production costs.
【a lengthy recruitment timeline 長い採用プロセス】
A significant weakness is a lengthy recruitment timeline.