追加レッスン 43 議論 -比較対象-
F: How do you think Vendor X compares with Vendor Y?
A: In terms of pricing, Vendor X is more cost-effective. As for Vendor Y, their customer services are more reliable. In fact, I used them at my previous company and I was quite impressed.
B: Hmm.. My experience with that company is quite different from yours.
F: 業者Xは業者Yと比べてどうですか?
A: 価格面ではXの方がコストパフォーマンスが高い。Yについては、カスタマーサービスがより信頼できます。実際、Yを前の会社で使っていて、とてもいい印象を受けました。
B: うーん、私のその会社との経験は、あなたの経験とはかなり違いますね。
【How does . . . stack up against . . . in your opinion? あなたの意見では、~は~に匹敵しますか?】
【stack up against】
How do you think Vendor X compares with Vendor Y?
【the updated safety procedures / the old ones アップデートされた安全手順 / 以前のもの】
How do you think the updated safety procedures compare with the old ones?
【How does . . . stack up against . . . in your opinion? あなたの意見では、~は~に匹敵しますか?】
How do the updated safety procedures stack up against the old ones in your opinion?
【our current program / the new curriculum 現在のプログラム / 新しいカリキュラム】
How does our current program stack up against the new curriculum in your opinion?
【compliance, the updated procedures are more rigorous コンプライアンスーアップデートされた手順はより厳格だ】
【comprehensiveness, the new curriculum offers broader coverage 包括性ー新しいカリキュラムはより幅広くカバーしている】
【When it comes to . . . , . . . ~のことになると、~】
In terms of pricing, Vendor X is more cost-effective.
In terms of compliance, the updated procedures are more rigorous.
When it comes to compliance, the updated procedures are more rigorous.
When it comes to comprehensiveness, the new curriculum offers broader coverage.
【My impressions of . . . are quite different from your perspective ~に対する私の印象は、あなたの見解とはかなり異なります】
My experience with that company is quite different from yours.
My experience with the updated safety procedures is quite different from yours.
My impressions of the updated safety procedures are quite different from your perspective.
My impressions of the current program are quite different from your perspective.