追加レッスン 48 議論 -仮定・想定する-
F: Let's suppose we need to create a new system from scratch. What are we going to do first?
A: Probably the first step would be to have a discussion with key people such as managers, supervisors, and team members to gather their ideas.
■ from scratch ゼロから、一から、何もないところから
F: ゼロから新しいシステムを作る必要があると仮定しましょう。まず何をしますか?
A: おそらく最初のステップは、マネジャー、スーパーバイザー、チームメンバーなどのキーパーソンと話し合い、彼らのアイデアを集めることでしょう。
【our business model were copied by other start-ups 我々のビジネスモデルが他のスタートアップに模倣される】
【how would we maintain our edge? どのようにして優位性を維持しますか?】
【the CEO decided to retire early CEOが早期に引退することを決断する】
【what would be our succession plan? 後継計画はどうなりますか?】
【refund requests suddenly hit an all-time high 返金リクエストが突然過去最高になる】
【how would you investigate the root cause? どのように原因を調査しますか?】
【we have to design a new production line 新しい生産ラインを設計する必要がある】
【how should we approach the setup? どのように取り組めばよいでしょうか?】
【Imagine if . . . ~を想像してみてください】
【What if . . . ~したらどうなるでしょう】
【Picture a scenario where . . . ~というシナリオを思い浮かべてください】
Let's suppose we need to create a new system from scratch. What are we going to do first?
Let's suppose our business model were copied by other start-ups. How would we maintain our edge?
Imagine if our business model were copied by other start-ups. How would we maintain our edge?
Imagine if the CEO decided to retire early. What would be our succession plan?
What if the CEO decided to retire early. What would be our succession plan?
What if refund requests suddenly hit an all-time high. How would you investigate the root cause?
Picture a scenario where refund requests suddenly hit an all-time high. How would you investigate the root cause?
Picture a scenario where we have to design a new production line. How should we approach the setup?