追加レッスン 9 意見 -反対する (1)-
A: Like I said, we should consider broadening our customer base. Rather than just targeting individual customers, I think we should try to get corporate customers to buy from us.
B: I understand your point about targeting corporate customers, but I'm afraid I can't agree with that. In my opinion, it's essential not to neglect individual customers.
A: 先ほども言った通り、顧客ベースを広げることを検討すべきです。個人顧客だけをターゲットにするのでなく、法人顧客にも買ってもらえるよう努めるべきだと思います。
B: 法人顧客をターゲットにするというご意見は理解できますが、残念ながら賛成できません。個人顧客をないがしろにしないことが必要不可欠だと思います。
【chase the next big thing 次の目玉製品やサービスを追い求める】
【focus on resource efficiency 資源効率を重視する】
【settle for mediocrity 平凡に甘んじる】
【strive for excellence 常に卓越を目指す】
【make assumptions 仮定を立てる】
【actually test hypotheses 実際に仮説を検証する】
【Instead of . . . , I believe we should . . . ~の代わりに私たちは~すべきだと思います】
【While . . . is an option, I suggest that we . . . ~も一つの選択肢ではありますが、私は~を提案します】
Rather than just targeting individual customers, I think we should try to get corporate customers to buy from us.
Rather than just chasing the next big thing, I think we should try to focus on resource efficiency.
Instead of chasing the next big thing, I believe we should focus on resource efficiency.
Instead of settling for mediocrity, I believe we should strive for excellence.
While settling for mediocrity is an option, I suggest that we strive for excellence.
While making assumptions is an option, I suggest that we actually test hypotheses.
【start out carefully 慎重に始める】
【stakeholders are expecting quicker results ステークホルダーは迅速な結果を期待している】
【launch a subscription-only service サブスクリプション・オンリーのサービスを開始する】
【it might alienate current customers 既存顧客を遠ざける可能性がある】
【I value your input on . . . , however I'm concerned that . . . あなたの~に関する意見を尊重しますが、しかし~が心配です】
I understand your point about targeting corporate customers, but I'm afraid I can't agree with that.
I understand your point about starting out carefully, but I'm afraid stakeholders are expecting quicker results.
I value your input on starting out carefully, however I'm concerned that stakeholders are expecting quicker results.
I value your input on launching a subscription-only service, however I'm concerned that it might alienate current customers.