A: It seems there's a slight misunderstanding between us regarding who should initiate contact with prospective partners.
B: What do you mean?
A: Well, in our previous discussion, I thought we agreed that it would be your responsibility.
B: Is that right? My understanding was that it was your role to reach out to potential partners.
A: We need to clarify our roles and responsibilities to avoid any confusion.
A: 私たちの間には、パートナー候補との最初のコンタクトをどちらが取るべきかについて、ちょっとした誤解があるようです。
B: どういうことですか?
A: 前回の話し合いで、それはあなたの責任だと合意したはずですが。
B: そうなんですか?私の理解では、パートナー候補に接触するのはあなたの役割でした。
A: 混乱を避けるために、私たちの役割と責任を明確にする必要がありますね。
【It seems there's a slight misunderstanding...】
It seems there's a slight misunderstanding は It seems で始めることで言葉を柔らかくしています。
【My understanding was that...】
My understanding was と be 動詞を過去形にしているのは、相手を責める口調にならないように過去形を使って現実と距離を置く言い方をすることで丁寧さを出すためです。もちろん、文脈によっては単に過去形だととれる場合もあります。
【the client's expectations クライアントの期待】
【how the project tasks are prioritized プロジェクト・タスクの優先順位】
【what the regulatory requirements are 規制要件は何か】
It seems there's a slight misunderstanding between us regarding who should initiate contact with prospective partners.
It seems there's a slight misunderstanding between us regarding the client's expectations.
It seems there's a slight misunderstanding between us regarding how the project tasks are prioritized.
There's a slight misunderstanding between us about how the project tasks are prioritized.
There's a slight misunderstanding between us about what the regulatory requirements are.
【the budget had already been approved 予算はすでに承認されていた】
【the issue had already been escalated to the executive team この問題はすでにエグゼクティブ・チームにエスカレーションされていた】
【the payment had been processed 支払い手続きが完了していた】
My understanding was that it was your role to reach out to potential partners.
My understanding was that the budget had already been approved.
My understanding was that the issue had already been escalated to the executive team.
I assumed that the issue had already been escalated to the executive team.
I assumed that the payment had been processed.
「証拠や根拠なしに想定している、思いこんでいる」というニュアンスがあるので、I assumed that... は「~だと、てっきり思い込んでいました」といった意味になります。同じ意味で My assumption was that... また、I was assuming that... という言い方もできます。