追加レッスン 31 問題解決 -原因の特定(2)-
F: Could the issue be related to our software?
A: We can rule out the possibility of software problems; it's most likely a hardware issue.
B: Well, what about network issues? Could they be causing the problem?
F: この問題はわが社のソフトウェアに関連しているのでしょうか?
A: ソフトウェアの可能性は除外できます。ハードウェアの問題である可能性が最も高いかと。
B: ネットワークの問題はどうですか?ネットワークが問題を引き起こしてる可能性は?
【over-reliance on discounts ディスカウントへの過度な依存】
【a lack of soft skills in managers 管理職のソフトスキル不足】
【an error in the testing phase テスト段階でのエラー】
【Do you think the issue might be linked to . . . ? 問題が〜に関連していると思いますか?】
【Could it have something to do with . . . ? ~と何か関係がありますか?】
Could the issue be related to our software?
Could the issue be related to over-reliance on discounts?
Do you think the issue might be linked to over-reliance on discounts?
Do you think the issue might be linked to a lack of soft skills in managers?
Could it have something to do with a lack of soft skills in managers?
Could it have something to do with an error in the testing phase?
【the introduction of price discrimination 価格差別の導入】
【poor decision making by the hiring manager 採用担当者の判断ミス】
【a flaw in programming logic プログラム論理の欠陥】
【I think we can dismiss the possibility of . . . 〜の可能性を排除できると思います】
【We can eliminate . . . as a potential factor 〜を潜在的な要因として除外できます】
We can rule out the possibility of software problems.
We can rule out the introduction of price discrimination.
I think we can dismiss the possibility of the introduction of price discrimination.
I think we can dismiss the possibility of poor decision making by the hiring manager.
We can eliminate poor decision making by the hiring manager as a potential factor.
We can eliminate a flaw in programming logic as a potential factor.